Thursday, November 20, 2008

Answers to your question about nuts and Grapes..

Nuts have natural oils in them that can cause your pet to get an upset stomach, or diarrhea. Not to mention if your pet eats too many at one time they can cause what is called an Intestinal Blockage which means that those nuts are stuck somewhere in your pet's tummy and your pet would most likely need to have surgery to take them out of your pet's intestines.

As for Grapes. There are a couple schools of thought on this. One is that grapes have a natural mold that grows on them. Sometimes we see it and other times it's there but we dont see it. When your pet eats the grape with the mold, the mold as it's breaking down turns toxic making your pet ill. The second school of thought is that the seeds inside of grapes become toxic as they break down in your pets intestines. Dr.'s say that they really don't know what causes these things to make your pet sick, but they know that these things make them sick from treating pets who are ill from ingesting grapes. So they have their schools of thought on this and that is why they say not to feed your pets grapes.


Lisa Pogue said...

A few years ago we had a Boxer that snatched the hubby's new can of mixed nuts my grandpa had given him for Christmas. It was a BIG can, not a small one. Hubby only ate a little handful from the tin. Frankie ate the rest. We found mounds of mixed nuts in the yard shortly there after. Wow, we'll be more careful from now on. I bet his tummy hurt!!

Henry the Dog said...

Thanks for that, perhaps I've just been lucky up to now with the grapes. I'll try not to eat any more but it's soooo tempting when they're hanging juicily from the vine. It's only black ones I like. I guess I'll just have to exercise some self discipline like mum does with chocolate (NOT!)

Cheryl said...

Thanks for stopping by at Pampered Paws. I love your posts! And WELCOME to blogland. Great info here, I did not know about marsh mellows or nuts. My dogs have not had these but I did not know they were bad, thanks for the info. I am going to add you to my favs if you do not mind?

michelle huey said...

I never knew that about grapes. Thanks for sharing this information. My dog will eat almost anything except for onions and popcorn. I have let her have grapes before, so now I know not to do that. I have stayed away from the other things. Found your blog through Firefly Cottage. I'll be back....
Thanks again!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

I just found your blog. We have pet lovers. We have two miniture doxies. WE do not currently have any kitties. Yours are adorable.

michelle huey said...

I have a question about shedding. My dog and cat have started doing some heavy duty shedding and dandruff creating. It's never been this bad before. It's killing me! I thought they should not shed until summer. Any advice?

tam said...

Hey girl! You need a new post! LoL! Love Ya~MoM!

Buddy The Aussie Dog

Buddy The Aussie Dog